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1: Mail Call Spanish-American War Rifle; Remembering the Maine; SR-71 Blackbird; U-2 Spy Plane; Training for Extreme Battlefield Conditions
3: Mail Call The Navy Marine Mammals Program; The Chain of Evacuation in World War II; WC54 Ambulance; The Desert Ducks
4: Mail Call Gear of the French Musketeers; Fighter Planes of World War II; High Altitude Rescue Team; XR-8 Syncopter
5: Mail Call Marine Corps Marksmanship; The BAT; Maritime Safety & Security Teams
6: Mail Call Silencers; Flashbang Grenade; WWII Japanese Gear; HITRON Teams
7: Mail Call Javelin Anti-Tank Missile; Tankgewehr 1918; P-3 Orion; SOG
8: Mail Call The War of 1812
9: Mail Call Military Sidearms; Glock Handguns; MG42; WWII British Commando Weapons; Gun Truck Alley
10: Mail Call XM8; Spencer; AC-47 Spooky; Small Diameter Bomb; Gotha Bomber
11: Mail Call Rapid Fielding Initiative; Anti-Tank and Anti-Anti-Tank; Blimp Sub-hunters; Cloud Car
12: Mail Call Zoaves; Flying Wing; ICBM; Swift Boats
13: Mail Call Celebrity Golf Tournament, Gala Ball, and Auction
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