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1: The Adventures of Clint and Mac The Day Begins
2: The Adventures of Clint and Mac The Mysterious Bookshop
3: The Adventures of Clint and Mac The Strange Character
4: The Adventures of Clint and Mac The Forgotten Clue
5: The Adventures of Clint and Mac Looking For Trouble
6: The Adventures of Clint and Mac A Call For Help
7: The Adventures of Clint and Mac The Chase
8: The Adventures of Clint and Mac The Meeting of the Pirates
9: The Adventures of Clint and Mac The Getaway Boat
10: The Adventures of Clint and Mac The Unseen Watchers
11: The Adventures of Clint and Mac Dangerous Journey
12: The Adventures of Clint and Mac Pamela Takes a Hand
13: The Adventures of Clint and Mac The Signal
14: The Adventures of Clint and Mac A Battle Royal
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