description About
Meet Richard Richard and Eddie Hitler, two pimples on life's bottom - whose ever desperate search for cash, women and the good life had established them as the most disgusting, repulsive, needlessly violent losers on television. So when, during recordings, Rik and Ade mess up, miss cues, forget lines, or reach for misplaced props, are they contrite, polite, discreet and charming? ARE THEY F**K! Such antics are merely the spur to the juvenile sniggers, competitive swearing, two fingered and other hand salutes and ad-libs too disgusting to find their way to the screen. So whether you're a dedicated Bottom delver or just a pick at an occasional Bottom, this is your backstage pass to the most bad-arsed comedy of the 90s - a collection of bloopers, out takes, corpses and more than a fair share of pure ring-tingling bollock-ups that are right up your alley.
- verified Status: Ended
- person By: Rik Mayall
- calendar_month Release Date: 1996-11-04
- video_camera_front Companies BBC
- tag Season: Season 0
- timer Episode Runtime: 29 Mins
- star Rating: 0 / 10
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
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