description About
On a sailing trip near Hong Kong, Harm is captured by the Chinese military. They want him to reveal the United States' position in case the Chinese should take two islands (which are claimed by Taiwan) by force. To get this information, the Chinese employ various mind games including placing Harm's father in a adjacent cell. Cdr. Krennick and Lt. Austin are offered a deal which includes Harm's freedom and asylum for a Chinese military person. Locations: Hong Kong; Nantou, China
- verified Status: Ended
- person By: Donald P. Bellisario
- calendar_month Release Date: 1996-05-08
- video_camera_front Companies Paramount Television, Belisario Productions, NBC Productions, Belisarius Productions, NBC Studios, CBS Studios
- tag Season: Season 1
- timer Episode Runtime: 45 Mins
- star Rating: 6 / 10
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
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