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1: Bob the Builder Pyramid Puzzle
2: Bob the Builder Phillip's Sleepover
3: Bob the Builder Haunted Town Hall
4: Bob the Builder Flotsam and Jetsom
5: Bob the Builder Drive Thru Disaster
6: Bob the Builder Where's Pilchard?
7: Bob the Builder Bob's Band
8: Bob the Builder Wild Wild Wedding
9: Bob the Builder Jumping Muck
10: Bob the Builder Muck Mucks About
11: Bob the Builder Phillip's Important Job
12: Bob the Builder Moving House
13: Bob the Builder Wendy's Surprise
14: Bob the Builder Ice Cold Fixham
15: Bob the Builder Super Scoop
16: Bob the Builder Dizzy and the Butterfly
17: Bob the Builder Dino Coaster
18: Bob the Builder Crane Pain
19: Bob the Builder A Message from Space
20: Bob the Builder Bob's Badges
21: Bob the Builder Apples Everywhere
22: Bob the Builder Muck the Safety Officer
23: Bob the Builder Best Laid Plans
24: Bob the Builder Bob's Big Surprise
25: Bob the Builder A Safe Place for Dizzy
26: Bob the Builder Pilchard and the Bear
27: Bob the Builder In Too Deep
28: Bob the Builder The Dash Lighting Experience
29: Bob the Builder TV or Not TV
30: Bob the Builder Captain Bentley
31: Bob the Builder Machine Magic
32: Bob the Builder Bucket Stand
33: Bob the Builder Camping Calamity
34: Bob the Builder Dino Scare
35: Bob the Builder Bricks and Mortar
36: Bob the Builder Scoop's Scoops
37: Bob the Builder Hoist Away
38: Bob the Builder Pop Up Shops
39: Bob the Builder Yard Muddle
40: Bob the Builder Roley's Speech
41: Bob the Builder Muck the Chauffeur
42: Bob the Builder Scoop Dashes for Glory
43: Bob the Builder Ship Shape
44: Bob the Builder Too Many Cooks
45: Bob the Builder Training Day
46: Bob the Builder Muck's Stinky Trip
47: Bob the Builder Playing Ketchup
48: Bob the Builder Shifter's New Garage
49: Bob the Builder Snow Fall
50: Bob the Builder Danger House
51: Bob the Builder Muck the Elf
52: Bob the Builder A Christmas Fix
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