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1: BBC2 Play of the Week Langrishe Go Down
2: BBC2 Play of the Week Fairies
3: BBC2 Play of the Week Fearless Frank
4: BBC2 Play of the Week The Lost Boys 1
5: BBC2 Play of the Week The Lost Boys 2: Dark and Sinister Man
6: BBC2 Play of the Week The Lost Boys 3: An Awfully Big Adventure
7: BBC2 Play of the Week Return Fare
8: BBC2 Play of the Week Anither Day
9: BBC2 Play of the Week The Vanishing Army
10: BBC2 Play of the Week Night People
11: BBC2 Play of the Week Renoir, My Father
12: BBC2 Play of the Week On Giant's Shoulders
13: BBC2 Play of the Week Stepping Out
14: BBC2 Play of the Week A Light That Shines
15: BBC2 Play of the Week In England's Green and Pleasant Land
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