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1: The Rise of the Great Powers Age of Seafaring: The Opening, Portugal and Spain
2: The Rise of the Great Powers A Small Nation with a Great Cause: the Netherlands
3: The Rise of the Great Powers Advancement Towards a Modern Age: Britain
4: The Rise of the Great Powers The Pioneer of Industrialisation: Britain
5: The Rise of the Great Powers Years of Enthusiasm: France
6: The Rise of the Great Powers History of an Empire: Germany
7: The Rise of the Great Powers A Century of Reform: Japan
8: The Rise of the Great Powers Seeking the Way to Strengthen the Nation: Tsarist Russia
9: The Rise of the Great Powers An Unstable Situation and a New Path: Soviet Union
10: The Rise of the Great Powers A New Nation and a New Dream: United States
11: The Rise of the Great Powers Crisis and the New Deal: United States
12: The Rise of the Great Powers Thoughts on the Great Path: Conclusion
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