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1: Iron Chef Chen vs Xie Huaxian (Lobster Battle)
2: Iron Chef Sakai vs Koei Kamimura (Codfish Battle)
3: Iron Chef Kobe vs. Costantino Gemmoli (Bell Pepper Battle)
4: Iron Chef Morimoto vs. Hiroyuki Hakogi (Yellowtail Battle)
5: Iron Chef Morimoto vs Tetsuji Iio (King Crab Battle)
6: Iron Chef Kobe vs Tsujiguchi Hironobu (Banana Battle)
7: Iron Chef Sakai vs Senba Toshiya (Oyster Battle)
8: Iron Chef Chen vs Asao Ryozo (Sturgeon Battle)
9: Iron Chef Morimoto Retrospective Part I
10: Iron Chef Morimoto Retrospective Part II: Morimoto vs Nakamura Komei (Egg Battle)
11: Iron Chef Sakai vs Koji Hosogai (Oxtail Battle)
12: Iron Chef Morimoto vs Masahara Seiya (Anglerfish Battle)
13: Iron Chef Chen vs Cui Yufen (Chinese Cabbage Battle)
14: Iron Chef Sakai vs. Tohru Komori (Udon Battle)
15: Iron Chef Kobe vs. Franco Canzoniere (Tomato Battle)
16: Iron Chef Morimoto vs. Yusuke Yamashita (Cod Roe Battle)
17: Iron Chef Morimoto vs. Yamashita Yusuke Overtime (Scallions Battle)
18: Iron Chef Chen vs Okubo Takeshi (Bean Sprout Battle)
19: Iron Chef Sakai vs Michel Husser (Lamb Battle)
20: Iron Chef Chen vs Spano Stelvio (Piglet Battle)
21: Iron Chef Indonesian Expedition Part I
22: Iron Chef Indonesian Expedition Part II
23: Iron Chef Kobe vs Makoto Osada (Giant Lobster Battle)
24: Iron Chef Morimoto vs Nakazawa Keiji (Sushi Battle)
25: Iron Chef Sakai vs Makio Isao (Black Pig Battle)
26: Iron Chef Morimoto vs Michael Noble (Potato Battle)
27: Iron Chef Chen vs Tateno Yuji (Sea Urchin Roe Battle)
28: Iron Chef Morimoto vs Tanigawa Yoshimi (Pike Eel Battle)
29: Iron Chef Kobe vs. Shoji Yamaoka (Jumbo Mushroom Battle)
30: Iron Chef Chen vs Dominique Corby (Foie Gras Battle)
31: Iron Chef Chen vs. Dominique Corby Overtime (Asparagus Battle)
32: Iron Chef Kobe vs Sakai Hiroki (Conger Eel Battle)
33: Iron Chef Morimoto vs Watanabe Akira (Cuttlefish Battle)
34: Iron Chef Sakai vs Yoshihide Koga (Stingray Battle)
35: Iron Chef Morimoto vs Shigematsu Ryozo (Sea Bass Battle)
36: Iron Chef King Of Iron Chef's Tournament Round One (Tokyo X Battle)
37: Iron Chef King Of Iron Chef's Tournament Round Two (Bell Pepper Battle)
38: Iron Chef King Of Iron Chefs Tournament Final 1
39: Iron Chef King Of Iron Chefs Tournament Final 2
40: Iron Chef King Of Iron Chefs Tournament Final 3
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