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1: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka Yesterday, Today and Tommorw
2: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka Terminal Station
3: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka Madam and Thief
4: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka Portrait of a Family
5: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka Gone With the Wind
6: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka The Departure of Love and Youth
7: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka Apple Murder Case
8: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka Under the Sky, Passion Flows
9: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka Lovers' Time
10: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka Moving Target
11: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka Blue Bird
12: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka Longing
13: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka Episode 13
14: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka Whereabouts of the Accusation
15: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka A Special Day
16: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka The Thief's Diary
17: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka All about youth
18: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka Applause
19: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka Man and Woman
20: Daihyô torishimariyaku deka City Lights
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