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1: Tanaka Express 3 My Tracks Lead to You!
2: Tanaka Express 3 You're the Lousiest Guy in the Whole World!
3: Tanaka Express 3 A 1-on-1 Battle with Your Boyfriend in Your Hometown!?
4: Tanaka Express 3 A Guy who Makes Lies into Truth
5: Tanaka Express 3 How Long Does it Take to be Friends?
6: Tanaka Express 3 Kindness is His Only Redeeming Feature
7: Tanaka Express 3 The Love Train's Maiden Journey
8: Tanaka Express 3 Episode 8
9: Tanaka Express 3 A Teary-Eyed First Kiss
10: Tanaka Express 3 There's No Tomorrow for Us
11: Tanaka Express 3 Our Train Heads for the Future
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