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1: Omnibus Omnibus at the Proms
2: Omnibus Omnibus at the Proms: Sir Adrian Boult
3: Omnibus Sir Henry Wood
4: Omnibus J.B. Priestley
5: Omnibus George Robey
6: Omnibus Beautiful Beautiful
7: Omnibus Sir Malcolm Sargent
8: Omnibus What the Hell Ever Happens in Marlborough?
9: Omnibus F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Dream Divided
10: Omnibus Christopher Isherwood: A Born Foreigner
11: Omnibus Richter
12: Omnibus The Confessions of Marian Evans/George Eliot
13: Omnibus Noel Coward
14: Omnibus Where Are You Going My Pretty Maid?
15: Omnibus Tommy Steele and Things
16: Omnibus Unashamed Accompanist: Gerald Moore
17: Omnibus Ian Fleming Creator of the James Bond Myth
18: Omnibus Virginia Woolf: A Day's Sail, a Night's Darkness
19: Omnibus Anna Pavlova: 1881 - 1931
20: Omnibus Rope Ladder to the Moon: Jack Bruce
21: Omnibus John Clare - I am
22: Omnibus Dance of the Seven Veils
23: Omnibus Who Will Buy a Bubble?
24: Omnibus Ralph Vaughan Williams
25: Omnibus On the Waltz
26: Omnibus The Wandsworth Sound
27: Omnibus 1970 Oscar Awards
28: Omnibus Kenneth More
29: Omnibus To Leningrad with Love
30: Omnibus The Hollywood Image-The Silent Era
31: Omnibus The Hollywood Image-The Talkies
32: Omnibus The Hollywood Image-The Post War Years
33: Omnibus A Vow Fulfilled: Oberammergau
34: Omnibus The Other Edward Heath
35: Omnibus Satchmo at 70
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