description About
Seating Order: Greg, Wayne, Colin and Ryan.Let's Make A Date: Greg has to choose from: Wayne: a hip-hop radio DJ Colin: an 80 year old who's taken way too much aphrodisiac Ryan: a drill sargeant. Fashion Models: Greg(Mr. Snackwell) introduces models Ryan, Colin and Wayne in the race car driver fashion show. Props: Greg and Wayne vs. Ryan and Colin. Scene To Rap: All four rap about zombies; Wayne and Greg start. Party Quirks: Greg hosts: Wayne: a daredevil motorcycle stunt rider Colin: evolving from primeval ooze to man Ryan: Rocky in 30 seconds. Hoedown: About mid-terms. Helping Hands: Ryan(with Colin's hands) is going to propose to Drew, his girlfriend, during a romantic dinner together.Winner: Colin and Ryan Credit Reading: None.
- verified Status: Canceled
- person By: Unknown
- calendar_month Release Date: 2005-11-07
- video_camera_front Companies Hat Trick Productions, Angst Productions, Warner Bros. Television
- tag Season: Season 8
- timer Episode Runtime: 22 Mins
- star Rating: 0 / 10
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
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