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1: Mysterious Joker The Shining Night and the Southern Cross Messenger
2: Mysterious Joker The Sand Demon and the Masked King
3: Mysterious Joker The Boy with the Eyes of God
4: Mysterious Joker Inseveramble Dreams and Promises
5: Mysterious Joker Heart-Pounding Hot Spring Panic!
6: Mysterious Joker The Firebird and the Urn of Life
7: Mysterious Joker Go After the International Conference!
8: Mysterious Joker Welcome to Dark of Darkness!
9: Mysterious Joker The Vow of Love and Death!
10: Mysterious Joker Bonds Lost on the Ocean
11: Mysterious Joker Clash! The Devil's Fang
12: Mysterious Joker The Night That Losts Its Shine
13: Mysterious Joker Welcome To The Shining Night!
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