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1: Gigantor Will the Real Gigantor Stand Up?
2: Gigantor Ten Thousand Gigantors!
3: Gigantor The Plot to Seize Gigantor!
4: Gigantor The Space Submarine
5: Gigantor Gigantor Who?
6: Gigantor The Robot Olympics!
7: Gigantor The Crossbones Caper!
8: Gigantor Ransom at Point X!
9: Gigantor The Gypsy Spaceship!
10: Gigantor The Space Cats!
11: Gigantor The Return of Magnaman!
12: Gigantor Vanishing Mountain!
13: Gigantor The Insect Monsters!
14: Gigantor The City Smashers!
15: Gigantor The Robot Firebird!
16: Gigantor Magnaman of Outer Space!
17: Gigantor The Robot Albatross!
18: Gigantor Battle of the Robot Giants!
19: Gigantor The Deadly Sting Rays!
20: Gigantor Gigantor and the Desert Fire!
21: Gigantor The Atomic Whale!
22: Gigantor The Secret Formula Robbery!
23: Gigantor The Evil Robot Brain!
24: Gigantor The Devil Gantry
25: Gigantor The Robot Arsenal!
26: Gigantor Danger's Dinosaurs!
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