description About
HUEN cannot accept that she is the Grand Wizard’s daughter. She leaves the Mercy Retreat without letting anyone know. WAN claims that she knows where HUEN is and LING follows her to find HUEN. FA does whatever he could to please YU, but she still rejects him. CHUNG wins a major battle in Luohou. SAI CHUNG presents him with a thousand liang of gold. Although SAI CHUNG knows that CHUNG will be a big help, he fears that he might turn his back to him and day, and is cautious. CHUNG shares the gold with the soldiers to buy their loyalty. He also pleases NI deliberately to gain SAI CHUNG’s trust. HANG CHI has improved the living condition of Liangdu and has won the people’s hearts. CHUNG combines the volunteers from Liangdu and the followers of the Twin Dragons Clique to form a massive army – Young Marshal Army. After hurting HUEN by accident, HIN unleashes HUEN’s evil spirit. He decides to learn the Eternal Seal Routine.… ...
- verified Status: Ended
- person By: Wai-kin Chong
- calendar_month Release Date: 2004-08-24
- video_camera_front Companies TVB
- tag Season: Season 1
- timer Episode Runtime: 45 Mins
- star Rating: 0 / 10
- visibilityViews:
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