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1: Earth to Luna! City Lights
2: Earth to Luna! Dreams
3: Earth to Luna! Nighty, Night Horseys
4: Earth to Luna! A Dogs World
5: Earth to Luna! Wallowing in the Mud
6: Earth to Luna! Atchoo!
7: Earth to Luna! Stuck on you
8: Earth to Luna! In or Out?
9: Earth to Luna! Mars Mission
10: Earth to Luna! So Cheesy!
11: Earth to Luna! Tears, Tears, Tears
12: Earth to Luna! Walking on a Cloud
13: Earth to Luna! Grows as it Goes
14: Earth to Luna! A Ride in the Sky
15: Earth to Luna! Break of Dawn
16: Earth to Luna! Tuned in
17: Earth to Luna! Flee Flea!
18: Earth to Luna! Magnetized
19: Earth to Luna! One Hand Washes the Other
20: Earth to Luna! Planes in Space
21: Earth to Luna! The Milky Way
22: Earth to Luna! Sweet, Sweet Fruit
23: Earth to Luna! Super Strong
24: Earth to Luna! Set in Stone
25: Earth to Luna! Staying Dry
26: Earth to Luna! In Your Eyes
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