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1: Armchair Theatre Mrs. Capper's Birthday
2: Armchair Theatre The Wind in a Tall Paper Chimney
3: Armchair Theatre The Scallop Shell
4: Armchair Theatre A Second Look
5: Armchair Theatre The Contract
6: Armchair Theatre A Very Fine Line
7: Armchair Theatre Unscheduled Stop
8: Armchair Theatre Recount
9: Armchair Theatre No Easy Walk
10: Armchair Theatre The Escape Club
11: Armchair Theatre Home Movies
12: Armchair Theatre You and Me
13: Armchair Theatre The Glove Puppet
14: Armchair Theatre The Three Wives of Felix Hull
15: Armchair Theatre One Night I Danced with Mr. Dalton
16: Armchair Theatre The Ballad of the Artificial Mash
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