description About
Todd and Starr make a plan and though she chases him away to put it into action, he sneaks into the house to listen in secret. Inside the house, Sam presents Blair with a bouquet of flowers as she promises not to mention Todd again. As they plan an evening together, Starr interrupts them with her request for her present for Jack's birthday. She wants a legal paper drawn up and signed by Blair that states she won't have Todd put into jail. With this odd request, Blair becomes concerned that Starr has heard from her father. She admits that she has but covers up by stating that it was through Fred, her magic frog. She could just hear Todd's voice, she says innocently. The kids at school are taunting her and if her father is a jail-bird it will be worse, she explains. That's why she wants a signed paper to show them. Sam is leery, not trusting Todd at all, but Blair feels that he's already being punished by not seeing his children. Plus, she doesn't want Starr made fun of by the other kids
- verified Status: Ended
- person By: Agnes Nixon
- calendar_month Release Date: 2002-10-16
- video_camera_front Companies Capital Cities/ABC Video Enterprises, Prospect Park, ABC, Creative Horizons
- tag Season: Season 35
- timer Episode Runtime: 60 Mins
- star Rating: 0 / 10
- visibilityViews:
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