Peyton Place Season 1 episode 37 (1965)

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Allison and Connie are disappointed when Julie reveals that it's time she moves back home. Later, Dr. Rossi visits Julie and offers her a job as his secretary, replacing Laura who has left for Europe. Julie counters that she doesn't have any medical experience, but Rossi assures her that he isn't making the offer out of pity. He needs a good adminstrative assistant to handle his books and schedule patients. Julie agrees to consider the offer. Rodney runs into Allison at Peyton College, where she is meeting with her advisor. Rodney admits that Connie has discouraged their friendship. In New York, Betty meets Sharon at an exclusive boutique where Sharon urges her to try on an expensive fur coat. Sharon tells Betty that the fur suits her, and she would be wise to ""get smart"" [become a kept woman]. Elliot attempts to refill Eli's prescription at the pharmacy and receives a frosty reception from Calvin Hanley who reminds him that he visits his daughter's grave every Sunday. Elliot reiterate


  • verified Status: Ended
  • person By: Unknown
  • calendar_month Release Date: 1965-01-21
  • video_camera_front Companies
  • tag Season: Season 1
  • timer Episode Runtime: 30 Mins
  • star Rating: 0 / 10
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